Advocacy and Education

For families of Trans, Gender Non-Conforming, and Neurodiverse youth, we recognize the challenges associated with navigating school systems, name changes, harmful legislation, and understanding workplace rights. Concurrently, we recognize the severe economic disparities and exploitations happening daily to Indigenous communities nationwide. Our goal is to spread awareness and uplift communities through advocacy and sustainable education.

The Prideful Path Project is proud to offer families and community organizations workshops and guidance on various crucial topics, including age-appropriate advocacy, safe relationships, DEI, gender-affirming haircare, and how to better serve the needs of LGBTQIA+/Neurodiverse youth and families, Indigenous communities, and marginalized individuals.

  • Sacred Pride

    Sacred Pride is a groundbreaking initiative under the Prideful Path Project dedicated to the preservation and celebration of Indigenous culture. Sacred Pride aims to honor the rich traditions, stories, and wisdom of Indigenous communities while focusing on the current oppressions which have deeply affected all populations. Our overarching goal is to assist Indigenous communities with land repatriation, the promotion and elevation of Indigenous businesses, advocating for the rights of two-spirit individuals, and increasing awareness regarding the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women, children, and two-spirit individuals.

  • School Supports/Name Changes

    If you have questions about Gender Support Plans, Illinois Rights in Schools, 504/IEP plans, Name and Gender Marker Changes, or if you believe your organization may benefit from additional resources and education, we are here to assist you. Our team is dedicated to providing guidance, support, and information to ensure that everyone in our community has access to the resources they need for a supportive and inclusive environment.

  • Educational Workshops

    The Prideful Path Project is proud to provide Caregiver and Community Education as well as Professional Development to support educators, mental health workers, organizations, faith communities, businesses and communities to create safe, inclusive, and affirming environments that respect and uplift the rights of LGBTQIA+ and Neurodiverse individuals and their families. To schedule a consultation with our staff, please access our form at

  • Resources and Recommendations

    If your family is newly transitioning or has recently received a diagnosis, navigating the multitude of providers can be a daunting task. Connect with us, and we'll provide you with tried-and-true recommendations and resources. Our network includes caregivers, parents, and TGNC/Neurodiverse Adults who are eager to share their experiences and support you along your own journey. By tapping into this collective wisdom, we aim to make your path smoother and ensure that you receive trustworthy guidance from those who have walked similar journeys.


Equitable Programming